A Step-by-Step Guide to Securely Upgrading Your EKS Clusters

As an agile open source project, Kubernetes continues to evolve, as does the cloud computing landscape. Keeping up with the latest versions isn’t practical for many organizations, and there are good reasons to not keep up with the very latest version, particularly in the first few weeks after a release. Nevertheless, it’s not a great idea to get too far behind, not only because you may miss out on important security, compatibility, and performance updates, but also because support for older versions ends. If you’re using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), for example, standard support for 1.24 ended January 31, 2024, 1.25 ends May 1, 2024, followed by 1.26 on June 11, and 1.27 on July 24.

The post A Step-by-Step Guide to Securely Upgrading Your EKS Clusters appeared first on Security Boulevard.

22 April 2024
